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1/2 Cup of Original KefirLife 100% Organic Water Kefir Probiotic Scoby Grains

Water Kefir has been around since the dawn of time, and has not changed since the beginning. Supply a good water source and your favorite sugar, and afterwards you can personally flavor the beverage to your choosing. Water kefir is enhanced with trillions of beneficial bacterias, and yeasts also known as probiotics, not found in any other concentrated form on earth, great for adults, children, seniors, pets, there have been no ill effects from reported from water kefir , but as with any new substance introduced to your body , start gradually and work up Hippocrates “the father of modern medicine” said all diseases begin in the gut, and was far ahead of his time

Four Tablespoons of Original KefirLife 100% Organic Water Kefir Probiotic Scoby Grains

Water Kefir has been around since the dawn of time, and has not changed since the beginning. Supply a good water source and your favorite sugar, and afterwards you can personally flavor the beverage to your choosing. Water kefir is enhanced with trillions of beneficial bacterias, and yeasts also known as probiotics, not found in any other concentrated form on earth, great for adults, children, seniors, pets, there have been no ill effects from reported from water kefir , but as with any new substance introduced to your body , start gradually and work up Hippocrates “the father of modern medicine” said all diseases begin in the gut, and was far ahead of his time